Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Favorite Time of the Year

I love this time of year. There is something about the Christmas season that tends to bring out the best in people. You see more people smiling and sharing during this time more than any other time of the year. The Christmas music is another one of my favorite things. I LOVE listening to Christmas music while I do things around the house and in my art studio. The best part of all, though is watching the excitement in my girls. Just seeing how what may be simple things to us are just amazing to them. It is easy to remember the special parts of Christmas and the Reason why we have Christmas by watching them. They truly are inspiring, and they make everyone enjoy this time even more.

I do dread the day that they no longer believe in Santa. There are several reasons for this as well. The first is something that I used to never understand why my parents said this, but now being a parent myself I totally understand: I enjoy "being" Santa as much, if not more than how I loved it when I was a little girl that believed in Santa. The other reason, well let's just say I might be put on Santa's naughty list for this one: I use it as my weapon on the girls (shame on me). I have them believing that Santa is always watching and that he has special ways of watching them when they are at home through the Christmas trees in the house and their advent calendar, and that we have a conference call with Santa every night to talk about how good they have been each day. Believe me, they are on their very best of behavior for the month of December, and all I have to say is that he is watching and they quickly straighten up. I am sure one of these days that will come back to bite me when they realize that all of that is not true, but as for now, it helps! This is also the first year that I have pictures of them with Santa when at least one of them is not either terrified and crying, or trying to escape as quicly as possible, or both!

I have been able to spend more time in my art studio lately, and have several things to show pictures of, but for now, these are my two latest creations.

Several people have asked about what is going on with my possible leukemia, and to make it as short as possible, the doctors have determined that I do not have leukemia "....yet." What this means is that the tests and biopsies all came back showing that it is currently negative, but could turn to leukemia at any time. I have all of the things in my blood that apparently shows all of the signs of it, but aren't quite high enough to be considered leukemia just yet. We just have to hope and pray that it never turns into that, but as for now they have determined that I have advanced Lupus and Vasculitis. I go back this week to get the final results on all of that and to begin a treatment plan that will hopefullly, start getting me back on track to feel at least a little better.


Fannie said...

Dear Stacy~

Thanks for the update. Sending lots of love and hugs. Please take care.

You are loved. I care.


Art Of The Craft Studios said...

Well I hope the snow cleared up for you today I know it did here by noon yesterday! So it was more of a wet and muddy day than a snow day!

I love your artwork by the way it stirs warm and soothing feelings in my soul. :-)

Hope your medical situation makes a huge turn for the miraculously good!

sending good thoughts your way,

Heather said...

Hope you are feeling well this winter night! I am sorry to hear of your health worries and will be thinking of you!
That is too funny about using santa as a'weapon.' My little one is nearly two and doesnt quite 'get' santa yet...I cant wait til she does...and I can do the same as YOU! ;)

Pippa said...

I love that necklace!
Sorry to hear about Lupus and Vasculitis. A friend of mine has Leukemia and has had it for a couple of decades. He is a runner and that is his medicine - he doesn't need to take any drugs, just runs. He has run 100 marathons in 19 years. And he's still going strong at 73!
My prayers are with you. Glad you're able to create again.

Anonymous said...

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Tanya said...

I know this is year and years later but I hope this finds you well still or even better than you weere and that your brother is better now too. Your artwork is amazing and you inspire me so much. I am sick too and feel so useless but I have taken art in college as a major for a while before I changed my major but anyhow I am trying to get back into it years after the fact and maybe open an etsy shop of my own to make some money instead of relying on disability for the rest of my life since you know I am still fairly young. Anyhow I just wanted to say hi and maybe make a new friend and see how things are going for you now. I wish you all the best and hope you can get this message...I forgot to check the date on your most recent message so I dont know if you are still blogging or nnot.